Monday, November 17, 2008


Wow, its been a while... Lots going on this fall, to wit:
  • Cathy and I (for some reason) have gotten into watching these new-style crime shows (NCIS, Law and Order, Law and Order Criminal Intent, CSI, CSI-NY, CSI-Miami, etc). Only problem is, Cathy usually guesses the plot way early in the show. I'm don't get upset that she spoiled the plot...I get upset that I have to keep admitting she was right!
  • First Baptist Simpsonville is gradually starting to feel more like home. We had a great fellowship time with our Sunday School class at Cracker Barrell this past Friday. This Sunday, we went to the traditional service (8:45 AM) and...really enjoyed it. Good to hear the old hymns again, and also the choir/orchestra. Also, I'm going to play trumpet with the orchestra for the Christmas musical. I think at has been four years or so since I last played the horn...time to blow the dust out.

  • Looking forward to Thanksgiving, and getting the chance to see the kids (B/M/Z/S) again... I'm looking forward to: eating a big meal with the whole group, saying the blessing (ha), party games afterward, and exhilirating discussions (oh mercy). Also, Thanksgiving means pumpkin pie, and Rupert and I have been practicing our pie-eating this week! yeah buddy.

  • Been playing a lot of bluegrass gigs lately. What a great hobby: go play my favorite music, get out of doing yardwork, and get paid to boot! Seriously, my band mates are a great bunch of Christian guys, really fun to hang out with.

  • It's been getting pretty cold here in Sville lately (hate it). Those of us who hate being cold (you know who you are) start to dread this time of year. But, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to fight ole Jack Frost: large hot chocolates, king-size heated blanket, ceramic heater for the bathroom, heavy lined corduroy shirts, thick hunting socks, wool pea coat, Hand Warmers. Wow, after making that list, winter doesn't seem so threatening...bring it on!
Oh well, that's my cheesy update... I hope to resume more frequent blogging during the dreary (but warm!) winter months.

Later tater.

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