Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Wow, my first blog post!

There are (at least) three reasons it doesn't make much sense for me to start blogging.

First, there are a number of other important things in life I should be doing, if in fact I have "spare time".

Second, I'm pretty sure there are very few folks who will actually read my posts.

Third, I don't want to be responsible for adding just another egocentric blog to the blogosphere.

Having said all that, the idea kind of intrigues me. My older son Brandon has started blogging, and I must say I have enjoyed reading his posts. One of our pastors at Crossroads, Rich Butler, maintains a great blog that really challenges me spiritually. My wife Cathy, who is an awesome writer, has even kicked the idea around.

Oh well, enough said. Here it is, I'm starting. Those of you who know me know one thing: my mind works in a totally random fashion, so at least this blog won't be boring. Stay tuned...

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